U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse Working for Central Washington | Official U.S. House headshot
U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse Working for Central Washington | Official U.S. House headshot
Industry leaders and organizations reliant on the Lower Snake River dams have expressed support for legislation introduced by Representative Dan Newhouse aimed at protecting these dams and their hydropower capabilities.
Michelle Hennings, Executive Director of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers, stated, "Congressman Newhouse has been a steadfast champion of ensuring the Columbia River System, including the lower Snake River Dams, remain a reliable inland waterways system for the wheat growers in Washington and beyond who depend on barging to transport their goods to market. Should the dams be breached, it would have catastrophic impacts on not only family-owned Washington wheat farmers but the rural economy as a whole. We remain committed to working alongside Congressman Newhouse and other Congressional champions to ensure the integrity and functionality of the dams."
Louis Finkel from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) commented on the introduction of the Defending Our Dams Act: "NRECA applauds the introduction of the Defending Our Dams Act, which ensures commonsense protections of the Lower Snake River dams, a crucial source of reliable power in the Pacific Northwest and the backbone of the region’s economy. Efforts to breach the four dams fly in the face of decades of scientific studies and threaten the region’s electric grid, putting dozens of Northwest electric cooperatives and their consumer-members at risk. We thank Congressman Newhouse for championing this legislation and for his steadfast support of the region’s electric co-ops."
Neil Maunu from Pacific Northwest Waterways Association emphasized benefits such as affordable hydropower and river navigation: "Rep. Newhouse's collection of bills regarding the Lower Snake River Dams recognizes the myriad benefits of these run-of-the-river projects including affordable hydropower, river navigation, recreation, irrigation, and world-class fish passage. These benefits are of critical value not just to Inland Empire but to entire Pacific Northwest, and in fact nation at large."
Leslie Druffel from The McGregor Company highlighted regional economic dependence: "The entire economy of our region depends either directly or indirectly on Lower Snake River Dams and energy, irrigation, transportation benefits they provide. Both dryland irrigated farms as well as those who support them like MacGregor Company need these pieces essential infrastructure remain functional."
Clark Mather from Northwest RiverPartners praised Newhouse's support for hydropower: "Northwest RiverPartners wants to thank Rep. Newhouse for his unwavering support affordable reliable clean hydropower. Our hydropower keeps electric rates low millions people Washington State throughout Northwest with Rep. Newhouse we will keep fighting protect vital source affordable reliable energy."
David Reeploeg from Tri-City Development Council noted ongoing collaboration efforts: "Since day he entered Congress Dan Newhouse has championed Lower Snake River Dams incredibly important national asset. These bills yet another example his steadfast leadership issue critically important Tri-Cities Central Washington. We look forward working Congressman Newhouse ensure dams protected continue supporting efforts increase salmon populations Lower Snake River throughout Pacific Northwest region."
Scott Simms from Public Power Council acknowledged legislative impact: "The mission Public Power Council preserve enhance benefits Federal Columbia River Power System marketed Bonneville Power Administration BPA both consumer-owned utilities communities they serve. In recent years efforts diminish system aggressively sought seek ways breech operational devalue system legislation introduced today resets harmful trajectory PPC applauds work Congressman Newhouse introduce Defending Our Dams Act Protecting Our Water Resources Act."
Chandler Goule from National Association Wheat Growers underscored agricultural reliance: "Wheat growers across nation rely Lower Snake River Dams efficiently transport crops market through Columbia-Snake River system supports movement over 60% all U.S wheat exports global markets low cost exceptional reliability Moreover these dams generate approximately 1 000 megawatts renewable hydropower every year ensuring stable affordable source energy powers agricultural operations sustains economic vitality rural communities throughout Pacific Northwest It vital these dams remain operational sustain these benefits Thank you Congressman Newhouse leading charge protect Lower Snake River Dams future generations."
Kurt Miller from Northwest Public Power Association remarked on regulatory assistance: "Representative Newhouse's bill allow Federal Regulatory commission extend licenses hydropower projects help ensure hydropower resources continue provide community-owned electric utilities reliable affordable energy The bill provides much-needed relief value construction expansion hydropower projects."
Paul Jacob from Rye Development pointed out job creation potential: "Hydropower delivers reliable baseload energy keeps lights county Thanks Representative Newhouse projects delayed pandemic get second chance create thousands jobs spur economic development support more resilient grid."